Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Just Plain Sad

I never thought I would say this about my squad, but these are the biggest quitters I have ever seen. Case in point, eight inning against the Astros. Kent flies out to left, Loney strikes out looking like the over matched semi-rookie that he is, and Russell Martin, the All Star, strikes out looking extremely bad on three pitches. So long season. I am only amazed that the people who decided to use another night to be cruel to themselves, didn't rush the field and attack Grady Little for his lack of baseball management ability.

I can't say any more about this team and this season because it is not even worth it anymore. The team has lost it's heart and quite frankly, I have lost my stomach watching this piece of rotten turd they call a baseball team. I know high school teams, hell, I know little league teams that have more heart and fight in them then Furcal, Pierre, Martin, Kent, Gonzalez, Loney, Eithier, Hillabrand, and whatever loser they place in the ninth spot. God damn disgrace is what this band of jag offs have become.

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